ADA Policy for Service Animals

Policy for the Use of Service Animals

内布拉斯加州科尔尼大学遵守美国残疾人法案(ADA)和1973年康复法案(第504条). Among other things, 《bet36365体育投注》和第504条要求大学对其政策进行合理修改, practices, or procedures to permit the use of a Service Animal by a student, faculty, staff or visitor with a disability.

Definition of Service Animal

《bet36365体育投注》将服务性动物定义为“任何被单独训练来为残疾人工作或执行任务的狗”, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.” Importantly, other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not Service Animals for the purposes of the ADA. However, under certain conditions, bet36365体育将对已单独训练的微型马进行合理的修改,以便为残疾人个人的利益进行工作或执行任务.

当评估一只狗是否是服务性动物时,它被单独训练来为残疾人工作或执行任务, 狗必须经过训练,才能从事与个人残疾直接相关的工作或执行任务. Examples of work or tasks include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • 协助盲人或弱视人士导航或完成其他任务; 

  • 使失聪或有听力障碍的人注意到有人或有声音的; 

  • providing non-violent protection or rescue work; 

  • pulling a wheelchair; 

  • assisting an individual during a seizure; 

  • alerting individuals to the presence of allergens; 

  • retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone; 

  • providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to 
individuals with mobility disabilities; and 

  • 通过
The crime deterrent effects of a dog’s presence and the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, 或陪伴不构成工作或任务,以确定狗是否为本政策下的服务动物.

Verification of Service Animal

The University will not ask about the nature or extent of an individual’s disability. However, 当残障人士认为这只狗是否受过训练,不能很明显地为他或她工作或执行任务, 学生残疾服务办公室(DSS)或公平/合规办公室(office of Equity/Compliance)可能会询问残疾人士是否因为残疾而需要带狗,以及狗接受过哪些工作或任务的培训. However, the University will not require documentation, such as proof that the dog has been certified, trained, or licensed as a Service Animal.

Care and supervision of Service Animal

使用服务性动物的残疾人士有责任照顾或监督服务性动物. 服务性动物必须始终处于个人的控制之下,并且必须有挽具, leash, or other tether. If the use of a harness, leash, 或其他系绳会干扰服务性动物的工作或任务的执行,或由于个人的残疾而不切实际, a harness, leash, or other tether may not be required. However, in that case, 个人必须能够通过其他有效的手段,如语音控制或信号来控制服务性动物.

服务性动物通常被允许陪同残疾人士前往大学公共设施, students, staff, and faculty are allowed to go. However, the University may ask the individual with a disability to remove a Service Animal from any of its facilities if: (1) the Service Animal is out of control and the individual with a disability does not take effective action to control it; or (2) the Service Animal is not housebroken. 如果服务性动物的使用或存在对他人的健康或安全构成直接威胁,或者服务性动物的行为,大学也可以要求残疾人士将服务性动物从学校的任何设施中移除, such as barking, is unreasonably disruptive to the other participants within the facility.

大学可以对服务性动物的使用或存在施加合法的安全要求,以确保其设施的安全运行. 有些设施对服务性动物的使用或存在是不安全的,大学可能会根据实际风险逐个排除服务性动物.

The individual with a disability must abide by current city, county, and state ordinances/laws/regulations pertaining to licensing, vaccination, 及对动物的其他规定(个人有责任了解和了解这些条例, laws and regulations). 残障人士有责任以安全和卫生的方式清理和妥善处理动物粪便.


However, 残疾人士可能会被指控其服务性动物造成的任何损害.

Requesting a Reasonable Modification

希望在校园里使用服务性动物的学生应联系学生残疾服务办公室(DSS),电话为308-865-8214. Faculty, 希望在校园内使用服务性动物的员工和访客应致电308-865-8400与公平/合规办公室联系以获得批准.

If you feel you were denied this accommodation, 申诉可以通过公平/合规办公室(308-865-8400)或学生残疾服务(DSS)办公室(308-865-8214)的常规大学申诉程序提出. If you have further questions, 请致电308-865-8214与残疾学生服务助理主任(DSS)联系, or the ADA/504 Compliance Officer at (308-865-8400).

Policy Revised 6/2017